10 in 10 outline
A Plan. One Through Ten. Keep what works. Change what does not. Repeat.
Again and Again.
10 solid ideas to keep you grounded.
Use Numbers as mnemonics to stay focused.
On you. the ‘I’.
One Level at a time. Level One. A Foud-a- tion! A Foundation to land on. Solid. 1-10.
Yes. 2. Reflect. 3. Build. 4. Truths. 5. Silently. 6. Balance. 7. Choices. 8. Strength in 9. Values. 10. Complete. Repeat.
Level II. Know. Thyself. (mirror)1. What do you need? 2. What do you talk about when you reflect? 3. What are you building now in conversations? 4. Is it true, what you talk about? 5. How is your head when quiet? 6. What is more balanced now? 7. where are you on the vice v. Virtue spectrum? 8. What strengths do you want to continue? 9. What values do you want to keep? 10. What is left unfinished? Repeat.
Level III. Build. 1. How will you get your needs met? 2. Reflect and change conversation. 3. This will take a while. Categorize conversations. 4. What conversations support your truths? 5. Shut Up. (**remember that is an I.School complement and opportunity to shut the nonsense noises out.) 6. Physically balance. 7. Experiment. 8. Play. 9. Study. 10. Test yourself. Repeat.
Level IV. Story Telling. Re-telling, past and future planning.
My current Level. is IV.
The good: Flexibility Within Structure. Predictability.
The trouble: Falling back into pre-conditioned behaviors.
More good than trouble, with time. I am still amazed at statements like:
“I have plenty of Time, how can I help!” (Time only I say yes or no to)
“No, I have not used an alarm to wake-up the past four years.” (since I.School)
“Yes, I do get the right amount of sleep. Nearly every night.”
“That is no problem, we can figure that out.”
“Yes, I do have time to enjoy my favorite things.”
“I am in no hurry.”