9 is Mine.
I.School I.
Step 9
Objective/ Subjective: “9 is Mine”
Recall the 9th Amendment to the Constitution
To Identify personal values and behaviors
1. 9th Amendment to the Constitution states:
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage
others retained by the people.”
Let’s explore- break it down.
enumerated: Rights numbered or listed in Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.Not a biggie, just translating.
Rights- being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper as in “right conduct”
Construed- interpreted “understood”
Disparage- regard or represent as being of little worth
Retained- owned or cherished, protected (sacred)
In other words, it’s an Amendment just for you! An I- mendment!
Congress shall have the powers listed in Article 8, but the 9th Amendment in the Bill of Rights, (not the Bill of Powers;) addresses the “great residuum of rights that have not been thrown into the hands of the government,” James Madison. Yep, Madison warned not adding a Bill of Rights would give “enlarged powers” to officials. Isn’t that exciting?! Not even congress can deny….
Ok, I digress and get way into history. Anyhoo-
Now what? Lots of room for interpretation.
Identify your own values. Rights.
I.School lessons 0-8 were used as my guide- after much research, pondering and fierce experimentation.
Consider the following criteria:
Time. Truth. Trust
Balance. Flexibility. Strength
Dance. Draw. Dream
Time is an upmost priority! A Right, Valued treasure.
Truth may not be possible but I can get close. Closer er to some truths anyway.
Trust myself first. This is tricker than it sounds.
Balance and moderation. Good to know. Harder to do.
Flexibility within structure. Lots of structure.
Strength of character. I.School foundation. Just starting.
Dance. Sacred dance. Move.
Draw to create. Creativity is the real Virtue here but I like D’s.
Dream to inspire. (I mean literal dreams, not hyperbole, like “living the dream”)
*** The beauty, as I see it, is the interactive relationships with my 9 chosen values. Inter-change-able, and de-pendant as well as interdependent on the other values.
Now that I formulated 9 values, now what? Is it All or None? Either/ Or? More or less?
Now, what about you?
It is my experience that what we tend to say what our values are, are usually not what we actually do, do.
Bumper sticker philosophies. Example: Getting cut off, flipped off, or otherwise vehicularly offended is often accompanied with a bumper sticker that says something like- “Bee Kind” or “Respect Life.” Which is it?
Suggested Readings
Your own words.
Read your last few texts. The ones that you wrote. Do they support your values?
What was the last memorable thing you said to someone?
What are the last three songs you listened to? Who do you invite into your head?
How do you spend your time?
Who do/ don’t you spend your time with?
Do they share your values?
What exactly are your values? Are they ‘your’ values? Are they “working” for ya?
How do you think, by following the path you are on now- not later- will look in 5 years? 10?
Do your actions mirror your bumper stickers?
Would you recommend your values to others?
Are your values universal? Does that matter?
I suggest you simply look at your surroundings. Perhaps a little more focus on the I. Or not.
One foreseeable glitch can occur when we start to compare values. For example, I can hear,“oh, I don’t dance.” Conversation over.
Ok, well you might like a sport or music or shadow puppets… It’s a passion, but as a Value? Well it’s dedication, diligence to a craft. Appreciation for physical ability without envy, ideally. Creativity. Wholesomeness. Diligence is the value.
The stories are peripheral, the values are at the center.
Now that I think about it, talking about values can get competitive, combative, ironically.
I don’t know why this happens. Quick lick conversations.
I can also accept that it might be my lack of grace within my own communication skills. Must. Work. On that.
Another obvious obstacle (to me) is actually defining what a particular value means. Truth, for example gets mucky because we want our wishes, our egos to be right, neglecting non-biased more painful truths. And that is what keeps us stuck. Yes?
It is a challenge to attempt to live a more ‘virtuous’ life.
When I “take my time,” for example, it is assumed I must be lazy, crazy or just old. Why? Because I’m not working for someone else? Like being asked to ‘administer’ tests for giant companies at the cost of kids mental health? Well call me Slothy! ~silly
Truth is very unpopular. Simple or not. As a truth-seeker, it’s annoying. I’m annoying. Trust me.
Who can you trust? If you have any trustworthy people- that is a gift. If you do not, I understand. Either way, it is most advantageous to begin to Trust yourself. It takes time and patience.
Oh, I hear “live a balanced, flexible” life. How? When? With who’s time? Too busy working an unbalanced rigorous life. It takes strength to “take your time”.
Dancing and Drawing are seen as a frivolous ‘past time’. How sad. It is a healthy virtuous form of creative expression that pairs well with dreams.
Dreams. Ah. I love those who don’t diminish their own dreams. The weird, freaky nonsensical movies in your mind may not be as nonsensical as many claim. I value the courageous dream voyeurs!
“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
I do not think it too far to interpret that cherished rights, “being in accordance with what is just and good”
You have the right to be good. The right to pursue a valued, more meaningful life.
And, this shall not be denied nor disregarded.
I wonder if the word ‘value’ needs clarification.
Pop quiz- for I.School which of the following definitions of “value” best fits this lesson?
:a monetary return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
:a numerical quantity that is assigned or determined by calculation or measurement
:the relative duration of a musical note
:relative lightness or darkness of a color
:something (such as a principle or quality) intrinsically desirable
*Intrinsic: belonging to the essential nature or constitution of a thing.
Answer: All are correct. However, E, “you have the right to your essential constitution” is the preferable answer.
Bottom Line. You may agree with criticisms of current circumstances, now what?
Philosophically, to get grounded is intrinsically desirable. You can’t go wrong with a virtuous path, ‘sorry’.
Nine is Mine, and it it Yours too.