A Game

Tragically hilarious! Just try to change the topic.

Instead of continuous chatter about school, jobs, or what is on a screen. Let’s make it a game!

Talk about something else. Anything! (wholesome).

I.notebook. Note to self. Make list of topics of interest as to not waste more time.

I.School is this: “I refuse to let institutions take any more of my livelihood; waste any more of my time; I choose bliss? not this?.” Yea, it is a game. A hard game to play.

I’m in.

I’m also lazy. I take something in plain sight. I research it. Re-interpret it with meaning. Make it part of my daily philosophy.

An insomniac, for decades, I spent many hours playing Super Mario Brothers. Yes, it was fun. A game that kept me occupied, for decades. I wouldn’t say I got much out of playing except avoiding sleep. I will never get those hours/ years back. but I can use some principles-

  1. You can always go back to level one. 2. Sometimes the goombas get ya, when you least expect. 3. Equipment helps when you know how to use it. 4. Pink and Blue friends are fun companions. Keep them close. 5. Be patient. 6. But don’t take too much time. Tick Tock…

thats the idea. Take something you know. Interpret it with honesty and meaning. Make it fun- a game. Your try.

A meaningful game. Twelve Days of a song. Re-interpreted.

No shopping. No presents. Minimal decorating. I’d rather spend time doing something meaningful. Just not in the mood to play old games.

TO the gift of TIME well spent.