Mini Train Sampler:

Lack of Genuine Knowledge. (preview),

Request:  “Ms. Newson, please explain your researching techniques.” Or “How did you?….”

Ok. Here it is: Step by step Thinking Train example, by I.Newson:

  1. After researching business profiteering from schools- like Textbooks, I set this tab aside-

  2. Washington Post Headline: Big Education firms spend millions lobbying- Mar 30, 2015- Lobbying has helped fuel a nearly $2 bill testing industry… The original post said testing made up for shrinking textbook market…. “Pop Up Ad: TRY 4 WEEKS FREE.”  No, thank you.

  3. Me: Hmmm, Lobbying

  4. Sent me to,Open Secrets Lobbying:

  5. Which took me to Education Lobbying-

  6. And Led to- investopedia lobbying.

  7. Check Credibility-

  8. Then I checked the College Board annual Lobbying-

  9. Noticed- Educating for Democracy Act of 2020

  10. Looked at H.R. 8295- 177 Congress Educating for Democracy Act (2019-2020)


  12. Recognized similar wording like, "granting priority to qualified nonprofit organizations that propose to use the grant to develop…curricula,” .. like from nonprofits, like The College Board.  SEC.5

  13. Then went on to note “3 Unique organizations registered to lobby” on H.R.8295: Educating for Democracy Act of 2020. 

    Consortium for Civic Learning

    National Coalition for History

    College Board 

  14. “Consortium for Civic Learning” showed no specific web page, but directed me to Center for Civic Education.

  15. Which led to “Free Lesons” such as 9/11 and the Constitution” Which led me to draw my own conclusions as to its potential backers and philosophies.

  16. The National Coalition for History page looked similar to the Center for Civic Education. I clicked on Members and got a list. I started clicking on links. And then clicked and clicked. All professional web pages. Good. "Diverse”. A little Too good. Too “diverse.” Staged. Almost like they shared similar ideas.

  17. And we already know more about the College Board. (WSJ, pop up Ad Read for $8; No, Thank You).

Pause. Things get muddled here. Name changes get difficult to track- Companies, Consortiums, Coalitions, Councils.. get rebranded. Like changing Philip Morris to Altria Group, Inc. Sounds nicer, but it’s still PM- Philip Morris influencing smokers; and it’s still BMs- Business Managements infiltrating education.

Education Businesses, like Textbooks. (See #3. BM)

Which NOW, leads me to more questions like, who decides the content of textbook curriculum? Clearly the Consortium for Civic Learning and National Coalition for History have a political agenda, funding, and a reason to rebrand. 

Then I start again. Simple. Follow the links. 

Hope I answered your question, R. 


Next time I’ll tell you the I.School method way: The Newson Rant Way.

When researching:

First, “Always listen twice. First, what’s being said, then who said it.”  Or, Go right to the Source.

Second, Prepare to Double Switch On-Dock Rail. 

Third, “Chick Sexing Exceptions.”  Truth is, I don’t want to explain my head except to say-it’s not what it sounds like,  perv.  It’s about a Podcast; it’s an actual reference to chickens, Japanese culture, gender, identity and sorting.

Nuff said, except to say, with exceptions.

End, Newson Rant. (Only those who know me, get this). ;)