Welcome 2023

Dear students,

Welcome back to a new I.school year! 2023. 

In first semester I.School we laid out a foundation. 1-12. #1. You are the priority (you are always #1 to I). 2. Schools are run by archaic business management systems profiting from, well,… you.  3. Initiate self-care. 4-10, is intended to provide samples of virtuous paths for your guidance (if you do not already have a foundation to draw from.) 11 and 12 wrapped up first semester learning with a new start. A final. Another beginning. 

This semester’s lessons will focus on Application. #0-5.

Whereas last semesters intent is grounding (to be continued and revisited later), this semesters experiment is questioning the application of lessons starting from 0. Zero.


  • The number of times “because I said so” will be accepted as an answer to the question, “why do we have to learn this?” You deserve a rational reasonable answer as to why you are required to take X classes.

  • Time wasted on business management style meetings. All the meetings. 

  • Effort on activities that do not have a positive impact on student well being. 

  • Social, political, economic or scientific agenda from me. (Of course I have biases because, well, I am human. My only concern is you, the student. I am willing to bend into truth when in error.)

  • Money. Genuine learning does not have “service fees”. 

  • Regard for ‘likes’, dislikes, opinions. I don’t care what you think of me or I.School. 

  • Time arguing with others about education. (**this may be in error).

  • Zero- “Work”- home-work, busy-work, or any other weapons of mass distraction keeping you from you. 

  • Regrets I have for spending time with students. Not one. Not ever. (I miss you all!) 

  • Talking about I.School. Not yet. Not until it makes sense. (If someone says “because I said so”, I do not recommend you reply with I.School remarks until 2025).

PS, None of this will make sense until it makes sense. And when it does. IF it does. Please refer back to fall 2022 Lessons 1-10. You are going to need it. 


I, Your ‘teacher’ In-Service

Semester 0 Outline

0. Number sense. “All or None.”

  1. Priority perspective. Lessons from the past.

  2. Paradox and contradictions. “Either/Or”

  3. Hierarchy of needs. “More or Less”

  4. More truths.

  5. Full circle. (I.School goes to college) May 2023.