Expired Exigency

Another example of exigency-

As in: “Teachers suspecting a vulnerable persons to be abused, have an exigency to report it.” Yikes!!

“In most states, teachers and other school employees are mandated reporters, and in some states, every single person is considered a mandated reporter. In a nutshell, this means teachers are legally obligated to report any signs of abuse or neglect of a child to the appropriate authorities immediately.” Immediately! Double yikes! This is serious.

Ok. Let’s take a quiz.  Signs of Abuse:

Physical: Intentional bodily injury. 

Sexual: Unwanted sexual contact. 

Mental/ Emotional: deliberate causing mental or emotional pain. E.g., intimidation, coercion, ridiculing, harassment, treating an adult like a child, isolation, use of silence to control behavior, students report of being verbally or mentally mistreated.

Exploitation: occurs when vulnerable persons (as a resource) are improperly used for another person’s profit or gain. 

Neglect: occurs when a vulnerable person is deprived of the care necessary to maintain ones physical or mental health. E.x., being in an unsafe environment. 

Self-Neglect: occurs when a vulnerable person lacks adequate knowledge, skills, resources and enough self-regard for self-preservation. (Slightly altered)

Ok. I want to report ‘an’ abuse.

Vulnerable persons are experiencing physical abuse through atrophy. 

Daily sexual contact, or exposure, via unregulated media. 

Institutions deliberately causing mental or emotional pain. E.g., intimidation, coercion, ridiculing, harassment, treating an adult like a child, isolation, use of silence to control behavior, students report of being verbally or mentally mistreated.

Deprived of adequate care or resources to maintain self-sufficiency. 

And to whom do I report said abuses? Right. “Appropriate Authorities.” 

Ok, but what if those said abuses are the direct result of those appropriate authorities- to whom I am to report said abuses to which are the.. um…

 “I’d like to see the manager.” 

Right, in a nutshell, the same manager, or “appropriate authorities”, who supports mandated laws and institutions that maintains more mandated facilities fostering unintentional as well as intentional physical, mental, and emotional abuse. 

Alrighty then. Duly reported. Now what? I wonder if exigency expires….