Fat? Confused? Addicted? “Its’ you, not us!”

Spain will ban advertising of unhealthy foods targeted at kids.  Reuters

“Our children are very vulnerable to advertising and it is our obligation to protect them,” Minister Alberto Garzon on Twitter

“Nine out of ten food advertisements targeted at children are for unhealthy products, according to consumer association OCU.”  And governments are intervening. 

Other countries are taking similar actions to protect kids:

Conversely, in the US, bm’s (business management sorts) continue to hold the kids responsible, not the militant, hyper-aggressive companies profiting off the backs of those kids. And why would the US government intervene?  Because the government is beholden to monetary incentives.  Bm’s and the government are inseparable.

Frustrated parents and teachers will get all kinds of ‘helpful’ tips like: “limit screen time”, “turn off the tv,” “create a bedtime routine to help kids sleep”.  As if!  

BM’s are masters at spinning the blame, guilt and shame at the individuals for “screen addictions”. “It’s you, not me”.  

We point fingers at each other and ourselves.  This creates more anxiety and depression- on top of the piles of negative feelings dumped on by bm’s. 

There is (intended to be) separation of Church and State dating back to the Middle Ages.  The church controlled all learning and it got too powerful. Learning ceased.  But there is no separation of corporation and state in the current era.  Yet, corporations control all learning and they are too powerful. 

Schools are ads within ads within ads surrounded by profiteers of addiction in a coerced and controlled environment. No escape.

Until we start focusing on bm’s influences, and stop blaming each other (and kids!), this will only intensify, if you can imagine that.