For what I’m worth

I am worth $21,143.64.  That was the check I wrote to leave education.  An exit fee for teaching.  I had 0.683 years left in the district prior to retirement.  So, in order to get my full 30 years in teaching (in order to receive 75% of my pension) I ‘chose’ to purchase the  0.683 years left of my career.  I bought myself back.  I’m sure if you talk to any of the business model types, they will give you circular talk about how that amount of money makes sense and why it is a 0.683 contract year, blah blah, the data and the numbers and why the data and the number are so logical,  but seriously? 

Yet another SNAFU in in this incarceration. 

I took a “sabbatical.” A “break in contract” with Jeffco schools as was offered to employees concerned with going back to work under covid in the fall of 2020.  It was a “oh, we’ll throw you a life preserver to show we care.” Looks good on a web page, not so good in life.  It was one school year with no pay, no health care, no benefits.  How many teachers can afford to do that? 

Me: ok.  let’s do that.   

Buckle up.

By the end of December 2020 we ‘sabbaticals’ received a letter.  It read that if a decision was not made by February 1, 2021 to return to school in August, jobs would be terminated.  Terminated? I had one month to decide my fall fate.  Mask mandates were in place, no one really knows what is going on in education but it sure does seem like a panicked rush for control.  More fear and intimidation. I signed an ominous paper with good will that- I had no clue on whether or not to return, but- I did not want to lose my job.  Scary but no harm right? I should be able to leave when I want, right?  My mind started planning an escape.  Long process short- I would take money from my future retirement funds and get out.  

Not so fast.  The hours and days it took to process this paperwork is absurd.  Like a phone service or any other bm (business model) that has a profitable agenda. It’s easy to get in, but just try getting out.   And by the way, why in the hell do we still need notary publics? It was not easy to find one in covid.  Who needs a notary?  BS jobs perhaps. Anyway, I called HR repeatedly to make sure all was in order.  My 3-am panic fever- fear was that I would be told I didn’t have the right paperwork in and that I had would have to go back to school.  

On June 1, I received a call from Pear-A (retirement BM’s) saying they did not receive the proper paperwork, therefore I would not be getting my retirement pay.  My check was deposited and cleared by May 28th, but I still will not be receiving due pay. 

I ‘officially’ had all retirement requirements by May of 2021. All systems go.  It is documented. However,  due to that threatening letter signed back in January, the powers that be (and I would really like to talk to you…)  say I am considered under contract until August 10th, 2021.  All of this is new by the way, no precedence has been set, ever.  But because of that bogus letter and because it is not August 1st, I will not be getting any pay until October 1.  Four more months of non-pay.  End of August, September 1 is the new start, so the end of September is considered employed.  

Out of the dozens of people I talked to, not one person could give me a straight answer nor take any responsibility.  Not one.  “Oh, that’s not my job, Oh, you’ll have to talk to so in so.  Let me transfer you to…”  Back and forth back and forth.   (Exception for Elvira, you saint of a woman who tried to help!)   

Stripped of e-mail, essential services established early in my career.  I was blocked from all access to prior personal/school information.  All gone. I no longer “exist in the system” I was told. So, catch 22- I’m no longer an employee, no longer in the system, but I can’t get my retirement because I am still considered part of the system. 

Left like a veteran of war begging for hand outs.  Once used for service, now disregarded goods.  Eager to hire, easy to expire. 

My worth? Not much it seems.  

And that begs the question.  If teachers are not essential- not worthy of respect, pay and acknowledgement then why the desperate drive campaign to make sure every school is fully operational and in-person… during a pandemic!?  Schools are big money- BM’s for sure. 

Worth has its own connotation.  I am ‘worth’ $21,143.64 according to my teaching contract. 

Ok.  but in my world, my beautiful crazy world, my Eudaimonia is more than flourishing. sort of budding, for what its worth.  More to come!