Freedom, more or less?

Without basic needs like food, shelter, health care, mental wellness- there is less freedom, yes?

I hear people shouting ‘freedom’! Say from mandates perceived to infringe on individual rights.  

I wonder how many people angry at these laws have a mortgage, car payments, credit card debt, gym memberships, hair upkeep,… I wonder how many have addictions.  Addictions are literally the opposite of freedom.

Drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, opioids- yep, the first ones to make the list.  And how about technology, relationships, power, control, gossiping.  Yes, the small act of gossiping secretly implies superiority and inferiority.  It’s insidious because it seems insignificant but adds up.  We begin thinking we are simply right without being challenged, which is addictive. 

Tied to school then a job.  And in-between we fill time with creating an image of perfection.  The perfect Holliday decorations, nice lawn, cars, toys, kids, vacations become superficial if one is trying to impress.  Commercialized consumerism constantly contributes to corruption.  Because it is never enough and a complete illusion. Manufactured by big BM’s who are more than eager to make money off of this counterfeit culture of freedom.

Now what? Make your own observations.  Get quiet, do less, be more.