Get the order right!

No. Not a food order.  “Get the order right” is what I heard at a general retirement luncheon from the principal to the mc of the event. There were a stack of placards to be dispersed and I happened to be one of the people retiring.  What she meant was- read the names from the least important to most important.  Like fireworks, save the best for last.  I get it.  Get the order right. I was the first to be recognized out of of five retirees. The main secretary was the last. Fitting, and I totally agree! she has earned it!  Sincerely. Secretaries rule the school and deserve the upmost recognition.  Custodians too. 

For the organizers of such events, I do have one request. I would like my placard to be changed.  It reads: “With grateful appreciation for 30 years of dedicated service to students.” Nit picky, I realize after almost 30 years of teaching, but I would like the engraving to be changed to 29.4 years.  You see I purchased my last .684 years, so it doesn’t really count. It’s all about the data.

I appreciated the parting words from administration but one minor correction here mc- I never taught Sociology, but you were right when you said “she taught other social studies stuff”.  Personal. You are a funny guy and I hope you can laugh at this.  I mean no disrespect.  It was actually appropriate because the rest of the placard said it all.  “Dedication to the service of students.”  Spot on! I did not get into education to appease adults.  I dedicated my service to kids.  Always.  At the end of each semester I get thank you cards from students.  All teachers do, and it is a reminder to me why I am/ was in this job. The thank you cards from students have always been loving, specific, and genuinely appreciative.  So when asked to speak a few words at the luncheon?  Pass.  I went because I wanted to individually say goodby to  secretary’s, custodians, counselors and supportive colleagues with whom I share a passion. 

I have learned to prioritize my time and attention, more. It’s not that I have a disregard for administration, I just want to get the order right.