Gutherless Secretaries

I saw the name Gutherless in Nebraska last time I drove through. I may have some dyslexia-type issues because what my head read was gut- her-less.  I liked it. I want it.  Gut her, less. Right! Stop ripping the guts out of her.  The stress, the gut wrenching ‘responsibilities’ as a woman, as a teacher as an employee of schools are disagreeable to her digestion.  In 1940, “Secretary” was the top reported job for people in the US named Gutherless. Make sense 9 to 5, 24-7. Gut her. We have make the word “secretary” into something negative- something feminine - gutless- weak.  

I’ve never met a weak school secretary, have you? Nice, mean, old, young, funny, not-so-funny, but  y’all are constantly making administrators look good, while you take on three jobs. The opposite of weak!  I’m working on a piece called “Dolly’s 9 to 5 Thesis as juxtaposed to Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis.” I’m dedicating it to you all if that’s alright. It’s my way of showing my gratitude to all you school “administrative executives” (cuz ya all know the school would implode without you) -for my 29.4 years of teaching. I’ll think of some way to honor you.  Until then. I’m fighting for you.  It’s not like you ever ask for more- just “gut, her, less”. Right?