“I Tried”

There is a scene in the movie-“One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest” where Jack Nicholson is in an industrial shower room with other patience of a mental institution.  There is a huge marble water fountain in the middle of the room.  McMurphy (Nicholson), antagonizes the other patience by making a bet that he can lift the sink, throw it out the window, and escape- to watch a base ball game.

He struggles and heaves with no avail.  The water station is fixed.  He knew it was an impossible bet.  He knew the sink would be too much, too heavy to lift.  He leaves the room saying: 

“But I tried, didn’t I, God Damn it, at least I did that.”

For over a year I have been thinking of that scene.  I know challenging the education system is futile.  It’s a Goliath.  It’s my sink.  

The patience in the movie were self-committed.  Too afraid to face the world.  Learned helplessness sets in and patience, like dogs stop even trying to live.  To live without medication, or a lobotomy.  Numb to the outside world.

The mental institution is cruel.  Most institutions are cruel.  “See something, say something” is a school saying about bullies. I’m seeing mistreatment on.a massive scale, and trying to say something.  Try. Hmph. 

I feel like Jack.  Up against a beast, but I have to try, right?  At least I can say I did that.