“Kids Count!”
was a cozy bumpersticker adhered to a metal fine cabinet in my first classroom.
My first thought was- geese, I sure hope kids can count by the time they get to high school- 1,2,3,… (ha)
My second thought was promising. Kids count, meaning kids matter. I agree, but became disillusioned after teaching for 29.4 years. I believed schools were designed to help kids and society. Naive of me.
I believe kids count for a labour force. Used for profits.
Here is an example. I once stumbled upon a memorable quote by a tobacco representative:
“They got lips? We want them.”
This was the answer given to Terrence Sullivan, sales representative for R.J. Reynolds, when he asked the company which young people they were targeting — junior high kids or even younger? R.J. Reynolds, 1990 https://the84.org/get-the-facts/tobacco-executive-quotes/.
Kids are a highly marketed tool and today is October 1st. Schools yearly “head count”. Teachers are encouraged to give ‘incentives’ to keep kids at school. More kids counted = more money. Simple. No field trips, no tests, nothing too strenuous to discourage attendance, even illness.
From colleges to AP classes; from chrome books to data collecting- Kids count. They account for big profits for big BM’s (business management styles)! Kids have data? BM’s want them!