Labor Day
When did some schools start weeks before Labor Day? That is a question not easily answered. Across the nation- schools have curious start dates. Which leads to more curious questions.
Isn’t it ironic that on Labor Day, businesses sell more and more cheap stuff? Buy a cheap mattress- because you’re not getting enough sleep. You’re not getting enough sleep because you are too stressed from work. You are too stressed from work because it’s just too much, too much work- too much unsolicited labor.
So, we employ more workers to sell more cheap goods which ignores the arduous labor that laborers laid foundation for change- hence Labor Day.
Instead of supporting the working class- the laborers- we continue to enable this system of oppression buy buying cheap goods. But at what cost?
Oh sure, ask business management (bm’s) folks about schools and Labor Day and you will get an ear full of BM’s rhetoric. Do you believe them?
Schools start before labor day for money (that is my assessment). No matter what jargon you hear- Year after year, day by day, inch by daily inch, bm’s whittle away at our precious time, confuse our senses with ads, and create legislation dictating the labor force- starting with schools. Who do you believe?
And we literally buy into this hurried, life sucking system instead of stopping to take a breath, take a quiet nap on a plain ole worn mattress. Wake up. Can you?