Let’s recap; Quiz time.
Time equals Freedom; Lack of time means lack of freedoms. Our Time is monopolized.
Therefore… ______________________ (fill in the blank).
Trust is vital! Without trust, there is no honest search for Truth. Without truth, we are lost. I know it hurts, I know it is scary, but the alternative is worse, me thinks. Open ended statement: what do you think? ____________________________________.
When does it stop? 40 hour work week? 50 hours? 60? Work until you are 55? 60? 75? As demands increase from the top-down- bm’s (business model sorts), more pressures and demands will be placed on you. Slowly, over time.
Calculate “free-time”. Time over hours and age equals___________________. What is your time “worth”?
Word of the week: Truth
Essential Meaning of truth
: the real facts about something : the things that are true
Are you telling (me) the truth?
At some point you have to face the simple/hard/honest/plain/naked truth that we failed. Merriam-Webster
Words Related to truth… for thought: