NAEP 22-26

Newson here,

Reporting back on predicted changes to the Nations Report Card from i.School 2022.

NAEP- National Assessment for Educational Progress.

I was wrong. The nations report card was better than ever. Students are sleeping well and feeling good about testing, and good about the future.

Wouldn’t that be something? Nope. I predicted the NAEP Reading Framework would change. It did.

While national conversations focus on politics, the NAEP has been busy.

NAEP 2022. Pages 19-43 Matrix for Reading Assessments.

NAEP 2026. Exhibit 3.5. Seven Principles of Universal Design of Assessments (UDA),

In two years, the Reading Assessment went from 34 pages of instruction to assessment to one. Pg 38.

Confusing language explaining how students need to better read and communicate.


2022: NAEP Reading, (part of a lengthy Matrix) “The matrices are designed to show the following aspects of literary and informational text: • Genres and types of text to be assessed. • Text structures and features about which items may be asked. • Aspects of author’s craft about which items may be asked. Types of text refers to the idealized norms of a genre (Fludernik 2000), not the source of the stimulus material per se.”

To, 2026: Reading Principle 6. Maximum Readability and Comprehensibility- “This principle refers to the ability of a text to be understood by all test takers so that readability does not interfere with the measurement of other content.” *These UDA principles are drawn from Thompson et al., 2002.

Which brings us to, World Bank Document Similar Universal Design of Assessment.

New to me, similar readability.

Maximum readability and comprehensibility.

Plain language guidelines are followed to produce readable and comprehensible text (for example, limited sentence length and avoiding unnecessary or difficult words).

2025 Mandate (Project 2025) examples:

page 338. “The Department of Education (or whichever agency collects such data long term)”

Federal intervention in education has failed to promote student achievement. After trillions spent since 1965 on the collective programs now housed within the walls of the department, student academic outcomes remain stagnant. On the main National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), reading outcomes on the 2022 administration have remained unchanged over the past 30 years.

Protecting the federal student loan portfolio from predatory politicians. The new Administration must end the practice of acting like the federal student loan portfolio is a campaign fund to curry political support and votes. The new Administration must end abuses in the loan forgiveness programs. Borrowers should be expected to repay their loans.

P.2025 Plan. Get rid of the department of Ed. And the NAEP. Who profits? Many, including- The current Head of the NAEP.

The Honorable : Haley Barbour 2019- current. NAEP chair.

Former Governor of Mississippi and “One of Washington’s all time mega-Lobbyist.” Haley Barbour. So much to read.

Simply, however- Kids Pay. Global someone, not you profits. It works!

Have time to understand the jargon? Exactly.

Thats depressing. Want to take your mind off?

See you in I.School. :) Take Care. Take Time.