New Year's Resolutions
Do we have new year “resolution(s)” backwards?
Isn’t the word resolution- already Resolved? Not something else to add to an already hectic shame-driven space in time (more exercise, for example) but a solution. A solution re-solved. An answer that already exists. You already know it. Deep down you have the solution.
January 31st honors everything backward with National Backward Day. The day provides an opportunity to reverse our ways, our direction or simply _____________. (fill in the blank). Our perceptions, perhaps?
Chances are any changes you want to make quickly, ‘new year new me’, have already been well established. Slowly and over time. What you are, now, and what you were last year -will probably be the same -are and were today- and tomorrow and so on. It is already been resolved. Simply keep doing what you have been doing. Why do anything different? It just adds more metaphoric weight. Now, if that makes you squirm, well-
Consider the origin of the word Resolution: Etymology Dictionary.
;a firm decision to do or not to do something. The quality of being determined or resolute.
Noun. late 14c., resolucioun, "a breaking or reducing into parts; process of breaking up, dissolution,”
"process of resolving or reducing a non-material thing into simpler forms" as a method of problem-solving comes the sense of "a solving" (as of mathematical problems), which is recorded by 1540s, as is that of "power of holding firmly, character of acting with a fixed purpose."
"frame of mind,"
"melt, dissolve, reduce to liquid; separate into component parts; alter, alter in form or nature by application of physical process," "to loosen, untie, release, explain, divide, cut apart." separate into components" determine, decide upon" after analysis (1520s), hence "pass a resolution" (1580s); "decide, settle" a dispute, etc. (1610s).
From dissonant to consonant. Sharpness. Like pixels 2024. Clearer resolution. See Resolved.
Easy. Simple. Once you are resolved. Now what? What about our wicked problem?
Easy. Simple… example I am resolved to Four Truths:
Education is currently suffering. Kids are suffering.
We are all (adults) responsible for its current state of suffering.
There is a way out.
Okay, this is what I.School is all about. Once you see it. The disillusion of what you think education is supposed to be, compared to its current state. It is simple. A new place to begin. A resolution.
Three Ideas
Take your time. Slow down.
Establish your space in time. Be aware of your surroundings.
Figure out what you need today. Prioritize your needs.
Two essential observations:
How is your time being used?
What are your current conditions- in space. Body, physical environment.
I. That is YOU. The I in I.School. Now what do you want need with your I? Today. Now!
Bottom Line. You and I both know this system is rigged. Ok, at least I am resolved to this knowledge. You are only one. One person. One student. You can only do what you are capable of. Nothing more. So,
Stop doing more (things that are pointless). DO LESS! Reclaim your time, space and mind. More you #1. Less catering to business management systems #2’s.
For further reading.