No, It is Not ok for the kids to be Not ok! Ok?

After dismissing kids mental issues for decades there has been a recent acknowledgment of- “the kids are not ok, and that is ok.” I get it, start to concede to the fact that the kids are, in fact not alright. It’s a good start. For some. My perspective is that this becomes another quick fix. Hey, we can admit it so it makes for a good one liner.

Can we take it to the next level yet? WHY are the kids not alright? They have not been alright for a long time. And I’m talking pre-covid (which added a whole new DEFCON level of psychological destruction on our children). School shootings are not enough? School related suicides are not enough? All the bad’s- racism, misogyny, wealth gap, you know the list. It’ all is structured, conjured and perpetuated in education.

The next level for me is to slowly (or quickly) break down public education and then build it back up with more enlightened thinking, long term, rational and reasonable sustainability for the best interest of posterity. For more Liberty and a drive for better Justice for All, especially groups that have had limited liberties and Unjustness for far too long.

Of course the kids are not alright! and any humane society would protect and defend kids when they are not alright. DEFCON alert! Level RED. Maximum readiness, Immediate response necessary…. and here comes the inevitable- “but how are you planning on fixing it?” This is a no quick fix situation. However, reading, thinking, discussing, challenging and doing your part is the start. Look at your self, your own family’s “non- alright-y-ness”. Start small, think big.