Pulpit Lips
I heard your message today on the right stage radio pulpit. You want to persuade and advise listeners who to vote for in the latest school board election. Wow, I didn’t know you cared.
On both a national and local stance, you are working hard to research every school board candidate nominated by unions, so listeners vote against them. In my state, you were very specific on live broadcasts.
“Don’t research you don’t have to take any time, we’ll do it for you. All you have to do is go to the web page and copy the list of people who are not supported by the liberal unions who are indoctrinating our kids with….” We know the rest. ok.
Well played. I have never heard of the Feds being called into school board meetings until now, but I think you know what you are doing.
Harass, intimidate, and violently threaten candidates to show them you mean business! This is not the first time in history that school’s have been challenged by your ancestors. You know, evolution, free speech, ‘allowing’ black and white kids to sit by each other in a class.
Way to get angry listeners angrier… at schools. Hey, I’m angry about education too, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that Im not sure how well that same tactic worked earlier this year, say January, (yea, we don’t have to talk about it).
Like I said, I think we have a lot in common- angry about education- so I came up with some tactics from the front lines: a) Let those liberal teachers teach all that stuff in class- kids will figure it out. You know, if teachers show historic pics and have kids read actual documents about say, indigenous peoples, slavery, women, war, lgbt history… Trust me- kids will learn. So, if you are right, those teachers will be a laughing stock. Right? Ok, how about option b) have teachers, especially social studies teachers, go silent. Yea, just refuse to teach the curriculum. A silent protest. Temporarily putting a halt to teachers (thus students) being used as casualties in this new, not-so-civil- war. c) Honesty is the best policy, right Lips? (Wink wink). Option c- would be for education to be ‘transparent’ (another buzz word gone bad). Let’s at least use appropriate locution. Schools are manufactured workshops for the purpose of profiteering. No you don’t need the kind math and science you are learning in school. It’s cold war propaganda hanging on to schools like dying fruit. So instead of telling kids “it will help with logical thinking…” crap- lets tell them the truth- This class will do nothing for you but frustrate you so you can get a pice of paper and the US military complex may have a few students who can be used to continue invasions and propagate nuclear threats… logically thinking. English- another weapon from days of yore. Learn ‘proper English’! Indoctrinate language an as act of imperialism. Native tongues need to be eliminated. Slave lingo will not be tolerated. If you have language, you have subservient soldiers. History? Watered down patriotic, or extremist treasonous literature will keep kids in the dark ages. Cells and Bells. Schools are here to create indentured servants. And it’s working. Standardized, sterilized, mind-numbing compulsory, anti-learning is the directive.
You are right Lips, it is a war on education. And it’s 1-2-3, what are we fighting for? To make money off of kids backs? Well played lips. Keep it up. I know you will and I am right there with ya. My pulpit is a lame web page and three students. Your pulpit is a hostilely attractive environment and you have millions of listeners. You want the ‘right’ education and I want a whole education, so we meet half way, yes? You keep fighting for the dough, I’ll keep fighting for the Soul. Kudos.