Seven Swans a Swimming


Song aside for Swans. I think of the story of the Ugly Duckling. A misfit chick, until realizing True inner nature.

“The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. He decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness. He is shocked when the swans welcome and accept him, only to realise by looking at his reflection in the water that he had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and he spreads his wings to take flight with the rest of his new family.”


Swans are the largest extant members of the waterfowl family Anatidae and are among the largest flying birds. The largest living species, including the mute swan, trumpeter swan, and whooper swan, can reach a length of over 1.5 m (59 in) and weigh over 15 kg (33 lb). Their wingspans can be over 3.1 m (10 ft). Compared to the closely related geese, they are much larger and have proportionally larger feet and necks. Adults also have a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill. The sexes are alike in plumage, but males are generally bigger and heavier than females. The biggest species of swan ever was the extinct Cygnus falconeri, a flightless giant swan known from fossils found on the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Sicily. Its disappearance is thought to have resulted from extreme climate fluctuations or the arrival of superior predators and competitors.

The Northern Hemisphere species of swan have pure white plumage, but the Southern Hemisphere species are mixed black and white. The Australian black swan (Cygnus atratus) is completely black except for the white flight feathers on its wings; the chicks of black swans are light grey. The South American black-necked swan has a white body with a black neck. Wikipedia


In Christmas, some believe Seven Swans Swimming are analogous to Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom (the greatest gift), Understanding (ones purpose), Council (guidance from the Wise), Fortitude (courage), Knowledge (path to Wisdom), Piety (reverence), Awe/ Wonder (fear of separation from something greater, Wisdom).


In a very shortened Greek Myth, Leda and The Swan produced Helen, which is a daughter of Nemesis (the inescapable agent of someones downfall; retribution), the goddess who personified the disaster that awaited those suffering from the pride of Hubris (given to wantonness, insolent). Etymology Dictionary.

#7. Choices. Swan Song. Playlist- “Seventh Nation Army”, by The White Stripes.