“Thank You For Teaching During Covid-19!”

Is a flyer I received in my mailbox today. “Register and Learn More: @ icu.edu.covidpd” (not the real University, but I still have the flyer if you are interested). 

Advertised was: “Professional Development ‘opportunities’ toward recertification renewal/salary advances”. (Sigh)   

So I went to the pre-approve PDF to sign up. $55 per credit, (cheap right?). Lesson 1: Learned and Implemented Google Classroom (copyright). Lessons 2-22 were geared toward the teacher- like,“What was the best feature used” in Google? “After watching tutorials on Youtube(copyright), how easy was it to upload videos?” Into Google.  Get it?

Lesson: Be very weary of “free” or cheap lessons or professional development. (Brought to you free, by i.school, no copyright). 

If you are confused: See #4. Business Management syndicates that require Big Money strategies to profit from involuntary, legally-mandated, schooling.