That which does not kill us...
Makes us stronger. Is the quote most are familiar with.
The full quote is:
“Out of life’s school of war- what does not destroy me, makes me stronger.” Nietzsche
And my question is: Why focus on the killing thing? Does it make us stronger? Or, could we re-direct the quote to- What makes us stronger? Better yet, what in “life’s school of war” weakens us?
Lack of sleep? Proper nutrition? Safety (that which kills us in schools?) Drugs of all sorts readily available… weakens us (perhaps), into dependency? “destroyed”?
Therefore: What daily activities (small ones) when practiced, strengthens you? The I. And
Is that what you want? Okay, what do you want?
If answers include- “I want something that others need to give me before I can act,” would be an example of de-pendency. Would it not?
When you poke one finger out, you are also pointing at least 3 fingers back at yourself. “They” will not save you. “They” are getting what they want. Power, money and control. Now what about you? They are not going to change, but you can.
Slowly, thoughtfully, silently. Take time to figure out, not what is killing you (okay, well maybe), but more what can be learned. What makes you weak= what can you do to get strengths?
By understanding the “school” and how it is using you (perhaps), can you then use it? More that it uses you?
Thought for the day.
Lake Middle School, Denver Colorado.