This one goes to 11
I.School I.
Step 11
Objective: 11 Revolution
“This one goes to 11” A Preamble.
Define Revolution
Evaluate motivations for revolution
Re-evaluate revolution
Define Revolution as:
1- :The actions of an orbiting body
:Time taken for rotation of a body on its axis
2- :An overthrow or renunciation of a situation
:A fundamental change in organization; or thinking about something
Evaluate motivations for revolution as:
First, let’s talk about he changing of a word. “Revolution.”
1- Cyclical recurrences like “the revolving of a wheel” or celestial bodies moving in circular course was the origin of revolution. Synonyms include: turn, whirl, twirl, spin, lap, roll. Those ideas metamorphosed into socio-political spheres with violent changes in 17th century Europe. Synonyms of revolution also changed to words such as: riot, rioting, sedition, coup d’atet, and more “violent” uprisings and overthrows.
16th century scientists were indeed subject to violence for pointing out truths about the universe. The Glorious Revolution, the French Revolution continued a pattern of violence in both actions and vocabulary.
2- Which leads a critical mind to thinking and asking, “what is revolution”… to you? I cannot speak on behalf of planets or celestial bodies, as to their individual motivations of revolution. That would be silly. Plus, science explains that rather nicely, even if I cannot understand it more fully myself. My question is more personal. What, or better yet why would you want to change? I mean we change every day, but mostly unintentionally. What change would you want to see? Intentionally.
Re-define revolution for evaluation as: preambulary. Preambulary- stating intent. Literally meaning pre-before; and amble- walk. Think about what you want before you walk that path.
1- Personally define Revolution: (What do you want?)
1- Live that. (How will you do that?)
Suggested Readings
Define Revolution:
One. One. *11 is a numerical palindrome. Isn’t that fun‽.
One is- it is time to change public education.
the other One is- public education isn’t going to change any time.
Therefore- I will take my time to change (my) education for one public, “the I.” 12/12/2022 is my pre-ambulary re-public. That cracks me up. But difficult to know if what I am saying makes sense to any one but me.
Like so many other misunderstandings within communication, the assumption we think we know what “the other” is saying is absurd. Case in point-
The other: “Ingrid, what are you going to do after you retire?”
I: Im going to start a revolution.
The others: Get in line; You and what army!?; (simply laughter); and “oh, I can’t wait to see that!”
I’m thinking- what are people imagining? Pitchforks and muskets? (Why is it always pitchforks and muskets?). Do we assume the word revolution turns into self-imagery of Les Miserables? (Or is it La Cage aux Folles?) Either way, my definition of revolution needs clarification.
I Logic: What are people fighting a revolution for? In other words, I want to skip that middle part of the fighting and get to the why and the what. I’m not that clever, so I’ll use someone else’s work to mimic behavior.
Preamble test. I the people, (currently living in the United States), in order to form a, not perfect, but a more- perfect union. Establish justice (fairness), insure domestic tranquility (start at being more better at home with myself and family), defend a common cause (students!), promote just being generally a better person to myself and others. Secure blessings of Liberty- I don’t think I have the authority to ‘bless’ anything, but Freedom is a gift to be sure. Difficult to obtain, but worth the struggle to myself and “our posterity”. That is where you come in. You, the future. Kids. My students. My teachers. My why. I do ordain (again, not sure I have the authorization to ordain), or officially decree. Decree? Do I say.. what then? I do declare!!!? No that does quite fit. Um, I just want to say that there is someone out here fighting for you. As insignificant as it is, as I am, it’s something, if not ‘just’a pre-amble.
Just for fun: This is Spinal Tap: “This one goes to 11”