To L and Mrs. P

L, I think you were in one of the first students, in the first few years, of my newly created Philosophy class. And I fondly remember you arguing. Graciously, congenially arguing. 

Thank you for challenging me! I’m sorry (not sorry) our classroom conversations led to some volatile discussions with your mom at home.  However, your mom told me later that those discussions helped bridge an even greater bond between you and her. I don’t want to put words into yours or your mom’s mouth (boy, how many times do you use that phrase?). I’m honored you shared our classroom conversations with a trusted person- your mom. 

I just wanted to take some time and tell you how much I regard and respect you two. I met and got to know Mrs. P about ten years after you graduated, L. She came right up to me and said “I’m __ and ___’s mom.” I cried. We hugged.

Mrs. P, I appreciated you taking time for me when I came into your office upset.  It was before the pandemic, but I was feeling low and was thinking about getting out of teaching. Your soft and gentle but firm affirmations were my remedy.  I felt both validated and assured I could make sound decisions. 

L, I also heard after the fact, that it was you that pushed the recommendation “teacher of the year” for me. I hope you liked my speech.  And, thanks. ;) Your acknowledgment meant so much!

Gratitude is more than an educational buzz word and the thesaurus does not seem adequate here. I’m humbled and indebted to you both- my behind the scenes women- for planting new seeds of perception clearly needed in my world. I’m slow, but I’m learning. And I’ll remember. XXOO