Toothless Delight

I lost a molar. Grinding my teeth at night. Not unusual I am told, but “insurance” through education is a bitter dessert.

I received a letter- a delicious confection. A conscientious contemptuous parfait. A sweet-tooth of suffering. After months of tooth agony, I mean delight, (mean delight hm?), a hard candy letter/ notice informed me that the school district’s insurance plan to cover my tooth implant of the BM world- “delta delta delta, can I help ya help ya help ya?” has denied coverage of said procedures.  

It reads: (something like)

“The placement of implant, DCTXRYS (?), conflicts with code DBSYSZ. While normally a  covered benefit, it is not considered Oral surgery for the claims ass Dr. No provided nor approved by the D8000- D7999 code.  As such, the deep sedation/ general anesthesia performed on April 20, 2021 remans denied as per contract.  The Explanation of Benefits accurately reflects the member’s liability for services rendered on this claim. “  

Well written Kristy.  I bet you were a scholar in AP English. I’ll take notes as I am not a writer.  

Delish!  More tasty treats from my “benefits” of teaching.  

My choice, I’ll eat it.  I relished the taste of liability.  I liked where you said you are not responsible for any actions, reminding me that- “I have a right to access and receive copies of any materials relevant to my claim.  As a personal taste, “he/she (me) can appeal bring a civil action law suit under Section 502 (a) of the Employee Retirement and Income Security act of the ERISA (a rise).” 

Yuuummmmy! Sounds scrumptious. Unfortunately, my retirement is complicated from chronic BM’s, so I don’t think I could bring a law suit. Plus my time is pretty full right now.  This sweet pleasure is sickening- sweet. So, thank you, may I have another?