True or False?
"More hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion." C. P Snow
There are many versions of the Milgram Shock Experiment- this is one where
3:15 seconds to 3:22 seconds, into the 1960’s Milgram Shock Experiment. Two exchanges took place and have stuck with me. The directives of some guy in a white coat saying “Continue Teacher. It is essential that you continue.” and the faint audio response from the volunteer:
“Ok, but I’m not going to be responsible for it.”
Milgram conducted this experiment after the Nuremberg Trials when Nazi war criminals used -what will be later known as the infamous Nuremberg defense- that they were all “just following orders.”
I was teaching AP Psychology and have watched that one particular volunteer clip a hundred times. There is more to the story in what was behind those experiments but I swear it was downright bone chilling when I would teach this unit-obedience- for Psychology and then spend a week administering standardized tests- both AP and non AP related.
Oh, most of us educators complained. I sure did, but I complied. I have not seen one positive effect of the long institutionalized nationalized standardized tests on kids. I’ve seen the opposite. Stressed and shocked from years of high pressure test that virtually did just that- kept kids stressed and shocked and more importantly obedient.
Just try and point out obvious falsehoods to these corrosive tests or try to object, and you will get a threatening “Continue Teacher, it is essential that you continue” from administration who get their orders from…? Don’t ask don’t tell, just do it. Just follow orders.
Once I made the connection it was deafening- quite literally- no one wanted to change. Just complain and follow orders. “I’m just doing my job Newson, you don’t want to get fired. We Have to…” ok, but I’m not going to be responsible for it.
Yea right! Well I for one acknowledge I was complacent. We all were. Although science has revealed we feel less guilt when we feel forced, the bottom line is I have to live with my decisions.
I felt better when I wrote a philosophy/activity/ coloring workbook during tests to keep me sane. It was my defense mechanism from unbearable circumstances.
True or False?
I think more heinous crimes are done out of obedience than rebellion. True.
"I have NO regrets nor guilt for my part in taking part of those heinous tests?” False.