Level Two: What are you talking about?
Review: It is a matter of time. Taking your time back. Week One- Using mental and physical cues to ‘trick’ your brain into a perception of greater self-control. Am/pm self-talk; “stop and reflect” one to three times a day, every day for as long as you wish. We will inflate those time bubbles later. So that you have time to live the life of your I.School wishes.
In the Mean Time. What do you do with your time? What are you talking about?
Space- What to talk about. (Except I.School)
Time is time, but space can be tricky to define. Head space, physical environment? thoughts, feelings become multi-dimensional. So, for the purpose of I.School, how about we focus on conversations?
Those three times a day? What is being said?
Are these conversations that you want?
Do they match your I.School wants?
In your notebook, write down possible future conversation starters that would be interesting to you to talk about. Is it possible for you to change the topic? Or be Interested? What do you Want? turns into What do you want to talk about?
Thoughts (Alone Time), become words, words become actions, actions become habit.
What Habits are being formed now? What DO you talk about?
If thoughts change then habits change too.
So Change the Conversation.
Example: I. Conversations (Camping, On a Plane, Solicitors)
0: silence (I.School rule)
1: Time alone with your thoughts. What are they?
2: Space Time- What are you Talking about?
“You are what you are seeking.” Francis of Assisi
“What you seek is seeking you.” Rumi
What do you want? Start with what you are talking about.
*Watch the power of Words, Authority and Influencers. (Previous lesson)
Stop. Listen. Decide whether or not this is what you want to talk about?
Two seemingly simple, yet problematic issues I have encountered with education are- 1. people do not have time. and 2. People do not know what to say if, or when they do have time.
Solution: Change your perception of Time (tricks to autonomy); and Change the subject.
Seem easy? Try it.
What do you WANT to talk about? Is it aligned with your personal goals and values?
What are you slowly building day by day?