Welcome Back!
Welcome Back Kotter was a 1970’s sitcom representing a remedial classroom of about 4 to 7 “sweathogs”. An affectionate nickname (sobriquet), for this group of misfits not cut out for ‘regular’ school. I loved this show growing up. I have some issues with it today.
Four kids to a class, for two years? I wish. Try close to 150 kids a semester.
The sweat hogs were in their 20’s.
The sweat hogs ‘problems’ had a laugh track.
Ironically, some states did not want to show it due to real life bussing and teacher disputes. ‘Luckily’, the content did not make teachers look bad and kids problems were not seriously discussed.
Mr. Kotta has no curriculum. He has time to get off topic and get real with students.
Why this matters- because tv and media portray schools as a joke, a side note, or a tragedy easily solved with a tough but clever teacher.
School as a joke- Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Buller’s Day Off, The Breakfast Club. Kids have the power, teachers are laughable.
A Side Note- most movies or tv shows that take place in schools but shows nothing about school. Glee, High School Musical, Riverdale.
Easy solutions- Dangerous Minds, Stand and Deliver, Freedom Writers- Just get one ‘good teacher’ in there and kids will be alright.
From the 1950’s movies like Blackboard Jungle to Grease to Juno to, what, Bad Teacher? I don’t know of many current movies on schools, but I can predict. I’d guess more edgy topics, but still no serious discussions about education.
Welcome Back to the new 2021-2022 School Year. I.School style.
The Welcome back theme song is “Welcome Back, your dreams were your ticket out.” I like dreams, let’s go there. “Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about.” Do you though? Laugh about those school days? “Well the names have all changed since you hung around, and those dreams have remained…” Yes, this is an old show, and the names have changed but the system has not. We need a new show depicting school with more serious and relevant topics.
Calling any former film students: I have an idea for a school movie/ show. E-mail me. :) hotplate7@yahoo.com