Ever heard of Linguistic Imperialism? Me neither. Niether? Either? Anyway, Linguists understand the power of language and its ability to dominate. Linguistic Imperialism is, was… IS a (hypothesized) tactic used by powerful nations extending political, economic, and ideological rule over “weaker” subjects.
Because England dominated the globe during a global height of Imperialism/ Colonialism in the early 20th century, the language of English prevailed.
Sure, most people think of military command or economic stagnation vs. superiority, but none of those could be possible without the very language shaping our minds supporting such ideology.
It is imperative for dominating countries to institutionalize subjects through words.
India’s schools slowly became English speaking schools starting in 1848. Native American children were tortured and killed (see Thanksgiving mass grave articles) if they were not complacent.
This could be a long article, and like so many things about education, complicated- but I want to keep it short- it is in black and white.
Absence of light; “eye’s pupil”; bad or evil; (n) black people; (adj) without hope; dirty, soiled; indicative of condemnation or discredit; connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil (black magic); very sad, gloomy, calamitous; marked by disaster; characterized by hostility or angry discontent; sullen: ‘black resentment filled his heart; distorted or darkened by anger- ‘his face was black with rage’; having dark skin, hair and eyes.
Having the color of new snow or milk; free from moral impurity; innocent- ‘the pure white heart of devout’; purity, not intended to cause harm- a white lie; favorable, fortunate ‘that’s mighty white of you’; the opposite of black; white-a person of European ancestry; free from spot or blemish; free from guilt or pollution; ‘white as thy fame, and thy honor clear’; white magic is with the intention of doing good; neat and clean; beholden to no one; wholesome; nonthreatening; free from sin.
Antonyms of each: good/ evil; white/black
I picked examples from Cambridge dictionary, Online dictionary, Merriam Webster, Webster, Macmillan and Wikipedia.
Oh, and about sex- there is not a word in the English language (spell check capitalizes on the e), that describes the sex born, opposite of man without being subjugated by the masculine.
Wo-man (old English from wyf, ‘wife’ of man); Fe-male; lad-y; madam (originally ‘my’ lady, ownership, until the word turned meaning into prostitute); Mrs. is still a title meaning property of Mr. Mr.’s.
Language shapes our perceptions of the world.
And that is why English must be mandatory requirements for graduation in the US. The highest prerequisite hours in every state is English. Without mastery of the ‘master’ language, there might be mistrust in the master.
And it’s spreading. Countries are clamoring for English to compete or decease.
But what are we creating? The “Right” words for a white world. 1984 kinda stuff.
“[The English language] becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts... if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”
― George Orwell, Politics and the English Language