0- A Wicked Problem

A Wicked Problem- (Education).

“refers to an idea or problem that cannot be fixed, where there is no single solution to the problem; and "wicked" denotes resistance to resolution, rather than evil (*). Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point". Wikipedia

A wicked problem IS- Circular O

Wicked Problem Examples: Education design, financial crises, health care, hunger, income disparity, obesity, poverty, terrorism, and sustainability.

Video. Highlight (3min35sec): A circular/ paradox to wicked problems is Transparency. Transparency of- Intention, Process and Objectives.

Original Question: What is the Purpose of education? What is the intention? The Process and Objectives?

I.School discovered a paradox- often conflicting and paradoxical results.

My intention is to draw attention to education as a wicked problem. This is my process and my objectives are to create, live by, and lead by examples of wicked-loopholes. Loopholes are by means of understanding the nature of education today and ‘bending the curve’.

Wicked solutions to wicked problems. Understand the problem FIRST.

On to Step One. Time. The Problem of Time and Education.

*”wicked denotes resistance to resolution, rather than evil.” Although, if evil is defined as “profoundly immoral” (by Webster), and education is immoral (with proof), then education can be considered___________. (Debatable, but I have a hunch I could win that debate).