1. Time

Time is never time at all
You can never ever leave
Without leaving a piece of youth- Billy Corgan

X= Time

1:1 Ratio

1: Hour= 1 Hour 1:Day= 1 Day 1:Year= 1 Year

Federal Laws require states to mandate schooling for ages 5-18.

Pre K Ages 2-4 years Old not mandatory but funded and encouraged.

0-8. *Considered the most formative years with the fastest neurobiological development.

8-13 Early Adolescent

13-18 Adolescent

18-24 (Adults expected to work or go to school)

US Compulsory Education by state. (Laws requiring mandatory education). Average 5-18.

physical growth, cognitive development, emotional and social development, language development, and sensory and motor development.

Average retirement age: 67