6 Ways of the Tao
I.School I.
Step 6
Objective: 6 Ways of the Tao
To identify 6 Taoist Philosophies
Analyze Yin/Yang; Tao; te; Ching; WuWe; Pu
Inspired by Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching and one of my favorite philosophies to teach. Most are familiar with yin/yang as a symbol. Less are adept to explain it. Least of all me, but I’ll give it a go. The I. Interpretive way.
Imagine the yin yang symbol. Imagine it liquid, fluid. Easily disturbed.
Yin/Yang- Balance, harmony (how do you know?)
Tao- Natural Path, Order of the Universe (it is what it is)
Te- Inherent character, inner power, integrity (it is the little things)
Ching- Trust your path (you know deep down, that you’ve had it all along)
Wu Wei- Effortless effort. (Let go)
Pu- the uncarved block (mind-less-ness)
Suggested Readings
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff
A more harmonious classroom is more better. Perhaps some disturbances within public education is due to the fact that it is forced to begin with. Unnaturally. Natural curiosity gets replaced with rigorous standards; physical endurance potential sits in a desk; unquestionable trust in institutions over self-regulation; forced learning, forced complacency, rigorous myopic curriculum with a socio-economic agenda, etc, etc. You get it.
Now what?
Test and experiment with one or all. Honestly, reasonably, morally, ethically.
Yin/yang. How do you know? You feel it. Like the weather. Can you tell when a teacher is more dominant/submissive? How does that effect the harmony of the classroom?
There is no bad weather, just bad clothing decisions. (Adapting to nature, rather than waiting for nature to adapt to you).
Words. Actions. The little things.
What do you want? Really want?
Be silent.
Live, for now.