April Showers
April 1. April Fools Day. I changed my ‘senior project’ framework, last minute in March which now includes 1. a personal intro (relevancy ), 2, “History, Mystery, Math (and reading)” Memorable. and 3. “the final word.” an opportunity for me to share my perspective. This is no joke. In fact, part of I.School is knowing the fact that I did not take my life seriously enough. I’ve learned a lot in these past 4 years post-COVID. My own 4 year college. I’m ready, now. But I knew two things in 2020: One, this is going to take a while.; and two, It needs to be cryptic.
So, I’d like to start with a few riddles: “In like a Lion, out like a Lamb”
What do New Years, day, groundhog day, and Valentines day share?
March: Pick an image. (example, February, heart March hare.) Now play a game. Repeat. Ask: What is its function? (Description: heart, red, love. Furry, ears, feet.) Now ask Usages of X: Blood pumping, emotion. Flowers , Chocolate. And finally, ask: What is it to me? You. The I. How does X relate to you personally? Y, It’s complicated. Answers depend on levels of maturity and willingness to participate. It will indeed take courage to follow I.School of thought. And I ask one thing. “SSHTT!” See. Smell. Hear. Taste, touch index finger to mouth. Shhh. Courage of a Lion, Silence of a Lamb. (oh, wait, that does not sound good.) Seriously. I ask you to follow instructions, take suggestions. But this is your school. Your life. I simply offer you a different perspective.
One more. What is Love? Is it what you think it is? Yes. Now think again. What if I were to tell you LOVE is not just a word, but a mathematical equation? If you know the answer, Please do not share. Be a good teacher, let the students figure it out for themselves.
March into April.
Intro: Actual dream: (Woke, Maat, students-darkness, hallway, blue light) I did not initially, plan to share dreams in Real time, but I’m me so, I’m going with it. I.School is a proponent of dreams. Literal dreams. They serve an integral part of our lives. Psychologically creative and powerful. Dreams ARE like myths and fairy tales-odd and cryptic. Dreams derive from our stories. Daily stories we hear and tell our selves. Our histories. So let’s start with the history and mystery of March. Following January and February, March is known for: madness, hares and rabbits. Is there a difference? which reminds me of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland; and that white rabbit with the giant pocket watch. Is that a myth, fable or fairy tale?
History: January, February were added/ changed prior to Caesar. January was named after Janus, the two-faced God looking both into the past and future. February, with its odd spelling is unclear. The closest word was related to fire. Fire, passion in February.
Mystery: Why was the calendar changed? When was it changed and what were the consequences? What is the significance of Groundhog Day and Valentines Day? Are they simple holidays or greater mysteries?
Math and Reading as a framework for the NAEP.
The problem as I see it is a problem of space and time. Stories (space) are repeated, reworded and re-in-forced to be repeated over time. NAEP driven stories, narratives; In classrooms, in faculty meetings, in the mainstream media. Repeated stories of failure. Failure ‘by the students’, in schools, being run by the NAEP. Doesn’t that make it your failure? Just a Question.
Final Word: Suggestions.
Take Time: One hour a day during school. Get 1-4 other people to talk about whatever you want. Heck, don’t talk at all. Just take one hour to yourselves. No homework. Nothing ‘school related’. No screens (unless used for research purposes). No gossip (waste of time). Nothing malice (talk about things that will help serve you right now- relevance only). What do you need? Right. Now. Think small… baby steps.
Take Time: One minute of peace in bed before you open your eyes. Ask yourself in this minute: Did I dream? How does my body feel? Mind? Emotional state? How you feel may have consequences throughout your day. Not to worry, just be aware.
Take Time: Now, hear me out. Take time to make your bed in the morning. Think about what you want. While making your bed, think about how you want to feel when you return to this bed. You make your bed. You sleep in it. Just a suggestion.
Take Time: In school. Once: Three Times a day. Sit up straight. Close your eyes (if you can, like in a classroom). Take three slow breaths. You chose the time. Use your imagination. Re-condition your condition. It’s your time. Once a day. Three times a day. Breathe.
Once up on a time…. Story.