Second April
II. April
Intro: “April Showers bring May Flowers. ” “April fools.”
I. Dream- Black and White Door. Ocean- ride the wave, into a Tree. Relax, you are going to meet a queen.
History: April was the second month of the earliest Roman calendar,before Ianuarius and Februarius were added by King Numa Pompilius about 700 BC.
New year, Valentines Love, Grounded (Referring to the later added Groundhog Day). All derived from changes made to to the calendar dating back to (X). “Unknown origin”.
Aprilis, verb meaning ‘to Open’. “The derivation of ‘Aprilis’ is unknown.”
Fools- ‘scholars’ dressed up in costumes making fun of the Roman leaders after changing calendars (Sort of messed up gardening and festivities when April was moved to January ). What do you think happened to those who, not only questioned authority, but made fun of Roman leaders? *Origin Unknown.
Knock knock.
“Open Sesame.” Bzzzzz. Wrong, that is incorrect. What is the correct answer to an ancient riddle about a genie and the secret words needed to open the cave of knowledge?
Genie’s open doors. So do Genres in literature as I found out.
Math and Reading: NAEP
I learned about genres when researching the NAEP Reading Framework. “Genres and types of tests to be assessed.” “
Types of text refers to the idealized norms of a genre (Fludernik 2000), not the source of the stimulus material per se.”
Page 17. NAEP Reading assessment framework.
What are ‘idealized norms of a genre’? ‘Per se’, what now? Questions led me to contacting Fludernik, as she is referenced to standardized literary testing in the US, NAEP nations report card. She lives in Germany. Nice chat. She knew not of her being referenced. Nein. But she sent me a link to her books, as I could not find any in the US.
The NAEP is making changes to an old education system, of unknown origin.
Two things are certain- Numbers and language are the driving force of the NAEP nations report card. Compulsory: required by law.
Now what? Distraction.
Final Word: Reflection
5: Shower, love, dream, fool, doors.
So what‽
So, What if I were to tell you this:
One of those five is a mathematical equation. (wink)
One is found in the sky, in April.
One is “a boundary, the difference between feeling one state to another, like __x__ (depression) to __y__ (not).
One is not what you think it is, contrary to what you’ve been taught;
And one or two, if held up to a mirror, is another equation doubled as language.
Not an April fools prank. Reflect.
Answers found in I.School 2025.