Elementary Fighting

Problem pattern with argumentation:

We think we need to be right.

We think we are right.

The art of argumentation is to use words to convince the other to submit to our rightness.

The other also needs to be right… thus the pattern.

*Circular. Dead end.

Another use of a more mature pattern of argumentation:

We think we may be on to something we are passionate about.

We don’t know for sure, but we have questions.

We want answers, and are grateful for contradictory information as that gets us closer to truths.

The art of argumentation is the use of words, no matter how unflattering, to get ‘truthiness’. 

Biggest barrier to truth? Trust? Who do you trust to disagree with?
Pick a fight with? Do we know how to argue? Disagree articulately? 

No, I don’t think so either. 

In fact, it has been an education to realize just how simple human concepts are abandoned. Example: Health. 
It has been said that the following 5 concepts are ESSENTIAL to health:

Breathing. Slow intentional breaths.

Moving. Staying active. 

Not sitting for extended periods of time.

Getting good Sleep.

Natural Lighting. Access to windows and fresh air.

(Do you agree with those statements?) 

5 could even be reduced to 3- breathe, move, sleep. Yes?

3 physical and psychological Profound Foundations of health-That not only do we Not teach at a foundational level, school, we can observe quite the opposite. Stressed-out, stagnant, sleep deprived kids. (And then we blame them…and argue over them.)

It is so frustrating to repeatedly read confounding reports regarding basic needs of human health that are consistently neglected at the basic level of understanding. And for the most vulnerable of our populations- children. 

If that does not piss you off to, what am I missing? And what is there to argue about?

We “argue” about kids and health and are clearly clueless on all three topics. 

So here is my ongoing gnawing question: What is the purpose of education?

Can we agree that so far it is clearly not for health reasons? And if it is, what does that say?  How can we even begin to have discussions on education when we are not asking the same questions and already have assumed answers prior to any questions asked in the first place? (right?)