For K,

I remember helping you construct an argument endorsing an unpopular presidential candidate a few years ago. I personally may not have agreed with you, but my job is to help you argue, not proselytize you. However, I do remember this conversational game changer. This was a dialogue that took place after school in Philosophy/ Psyche club: I think you remember it too, 

As if we just walked in on it: Cringy at first, but it got interesting.. 

K: Because he cares about this country. He does not want people coming in taking advantage of our money.

**After careful consideration, I have omitted the dialogue out of my enduring respect for you, K.**

Me: So, the premise was that (so-in-so) are considered (such and such). And yet, the conclusion contradicted the original premise, therefore…

K: Oh, I get it!

And do you remember? I saw it on your face. A click. Now, that did not deter you away from your hopeful, and soon to be president.  Good. The point was to show a weak vs. strong premise and conclusion; not to think like me, but to think. 

Unfortunately, to demonstrate the power of rhetoric, I have defended and convinced students of ideas, I myself abhor, just to see if I could. It worked.Too well.  What I wanted was to show how easily we can be swayed if we don’t understand the art of the argument. It can backfire. Not in your case though. That was unique. 

I wanted to thank you for continually showing up and challenging yourself regardless of content. Remember I suggested you and I go ‘on the road’ to demonstrate just how to argue particularly when at odds? Me too. 

We had such a great teacher-student bond. Thanks for surprising me years later and showing up for class promoting Philosophy. 

I hear you went to college, altered some ideas (I hope not too much) and have a boyfriend. 

I am so proud of you. You demonstrated courage, honesty and humility. I will cherish our times together. Always.

Hi to the family,


P.S. I know how crude that conversation sounds, and was. It was gut wrenching in real time. I also know that if we shame and shut down cringey conversations, they manifest into monstrous monologues. I hope this was an appropriate example to share. There is SO much more to you,K. I know this. I just thought I could show one moment, out of one day, in one year, in the life of what could happen in school. No one else sees that stuff. And,I will happily change or take this post down if you reach out and disagree with my recall. I have too much respect for you, and my memory cannot be as trusted- as I trust you K. :)