For S,
#Keep the private-messenger comments coming. I love it!
For S,
Thank You- for sharing all the pics of you and your daughter! How sweet. You are right. It is different being on the parenting end. I appreciate your concerns about not wanting to get that “F-* vaccine for you and your child”. Who CAN you trust? Especially after you were told you would “just end up dead, a gang-banger, or in jail” by a trusted teacher, anyway. (Yes I do know of him.) How sad. I’m sorry that had such an impact on you.
Also, I am happy to know you are not dead nor in jail (I don’t really know what a gang banger entails, so?). What I see is you just being a dad.
Looks like you are a working dude trying to raise your daughter in a confusing environment, the best way you know how, with the best information you have. I understand.
I’m angry too. Like you, I am frustrated with the lack of compassion and humanity in public education. No wonder you are scared to bring your daughter to school. You get it.
“I made it,” you said, “after 18 struggles” and against unsupportive individuals in positions of power. Good for you S! I am so proud of you!
And yes, I would love to meet your daughter some day. It would be an honor. *Six feet away with a mask*, mind you, but an honor, nonetheless.
Thanks again for reaching out after all these years.
Take care of you, and that adorable little girl!