I don’t heart radio, Part 3.
AM and afternoon DJ’s at iheart, I’m not angry anymore… wait, let me back up. Because-
Train of thought: After pulling my car over to the side of the road, on multiple occasions, while listening to the radio, iheart, I knew. I needed to make a change.
School, history, current events, and philosophy became very popular on-air topics, as of late and only on certain stations. I kept wondering, why? One station in particular used to have music and sports. Now it sounds like.. well, talking. Lots and lots of talking and lots of opinions. Something was wrong here, but I could not quite put pieces together. Until yesterday.
Ross’ “in-depth” analysis on Ukraine was timely. As a ‘learning’ advocate and ammeter historian, I’ve been researching business influencing and monopolizing the educational industrial complex. Here is what I found:
iheart radio is a subsidiary of Clear Channel.
Clear Channel has been a monopolizing media giant. The legalities get complicated here, but if you want to know who controls on-air listening, like ‘banning’ certain songs after 9/11, look no further than Clear Channel.
Want to see a band at Red Rocks? Better question is who can you not see at Red Rocks? That is up to Clear Channel. (Denver was just one of many targeted cities).
Clear Channel was up all sorts of naughty stuff says the FCC. Hence the name change to iheart.
Why does any of this matter? Because you talked about education like it was an agenda. It was. Is. “Freedom” radio is not so free after all. Opinions are already manufactured. DJ’s are Paid influencers. Disrupters.
Normally I would not care. Have your show, but you have no one else to challenge views when it comes to kids and logic. And it is clear there is an agenda.
So when I see: “so in so Hates Transparency,” Blogs. Who finances your voice?
I’m not angry, because it’s not you. You are just a hired voice.
Back to research…