3. Build


Doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. IS a. not Einstein and b. What did you expect? c. Change.

Four Years ago I started this I school project. I made a wheel and, attempted to anyway- convey that Education is of the upmost important value.

“How did we get here?” I get asked.

Education. Whomever controls education, controls thoughts, speech, thus actions, behaviors habits of the Masses. Under a notion of freedom. How free are you?

No matter your own values, “the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.”

What young minds are taught in Public School, education shapes their minds and the World.

My hypothesis is this: It’s not what is being taught necessarily, it is what is being neglected? If you want answers, look at the who, what why and how of Universal Standardized testing. Like, you may want to read the fine print, or risk, Repeating same ole same ole, like Groundhog Day. Groundhog Day for a very very very long time.

I think I have enough research provided in I.newson.org

Let’s get to the I.School 10 in 10 Plan in order to serve any creative student looking to change the Conversations- to be more in line with the Individual student. That’s you. :)

Posted stage 1 of I.School. 2020

Full Circle. Groundhog Day, Again.