I Thank You.

Thank you birthday well wishers and those interested in I.School.

I forget that friends and family outside of “my classroom head” read my blogs or watch my videos. It is so weird to me to have those worlds intertwined. Know what I mean? Like when you have your work family, your actual family and close friends merge. It’s a test of character. Who are you really in those moments? Like a game show: Will the real I please stand up? It has made me realize how I think the best version of myself is and has been in front of my classrooms/students- over the years. That is a beautiful realization. And awkward, because my teacher self is, well, just different. It’s my teacher self making the videos.

and I try not to get influenced through praise or criticism. Therefore, I seldom respond or take time to engage in social media. Must. Stay. Focused. And as I see it, like two birds with one stone (that is such an odd saying..) sort of philosophy. I’m still here. and This I.School IS my life. Incredibly so. But don’t look for me too much outside this project.

I figure it would take some time to get started with a school. Trust is a cornerstone foundation for my I.School. So, four years in the making, thus far. (FOUR years!) Trusting my own process regardless of what anyone said, has only been possible through the trust students have givin me.

Thank you for trusting me!

now, let me get back to “work” :)