III. Solutions

Those brave students willing to join in I.School. Experimental experience. Here is a summer school project:

  1. Get a notebook. Small. Compact. (oh, and a wiring utensil.)

  2. Open tiny notebook to the back pages. On the top of one side write- “Legacy A.” On the top of the other side write “Legacy B.”

  3. Turn to the first few pages of your I.book. One the top of one side write “Ideal Schedule.” On the other side write “Schedule Now” and todays date.

    ~anyone wanting to advance, can turn the page and write “Wants”, on opposite sides. Turn another page and write “Needs.” I’d go with. a Then and Now theme, but hey, this is your life, your book.

    YOU are the subject of I.School! Let’s get started.

    See where we are going here?

    Oh, and I also recommend keeping your notebook to yourself. No need to talk about it. It’s no one else’s bees wax but your own!

    Why? it will take too much of your time and space explaining this concept to others. Time and energy better used for you and your own I.School.

    Proceed. with caution. Bon Voyage I.School travelers!