After four years of self-confinement and I.School, I see only two problems with students-patrons in public education.
One: A problem of Time.
A non-monetary unit of measurement. Most precious commodity in I.School.
Two: A problem of Space.
I define space as simply the conversations in your head/space. What occupies your mind, your words, thus your daily actions?
Any other problems, beyond those two problems of time and space absolutely cannot- be addressed for solving- unless you have some time and the ability to talk about the things you want to talk about . Articulate.
As part of my experiment, I often ask, “is that what you want to talk about?” or “Is that really the question you want to ask me?” or I’ll say, “then ask me a better question…” Yea, it’s a risky business saying those things, but effective. I have only used it on trusted ‘students.’ And yes, it really pisses people off.
You can pause the game anytime (ie- just stop yourself as many times a day as necessary and ask, ‘is this really what I want to talk about?’ Is this how you want to use your precious time? occupy your space?)
*See solutions.