“Keep Calm and Carry on” But For what? and For whom?

“Keep Calm and Carry on” was A slogan designed by the Ministry of Information in Britain after WWI. The MOI was established and financed under the crown and was responsible for education and propaganda. 

Here is how I read it: Don’t get angry at the status quo of war and destruction, we need you to stay calm and optimistic while you are being bombed, so you can carry on the bomb-making jobs that militarism creates to carry on war and destruction.  To be continued… through WWII. 

Interesting how that slogan popped up currently, And consequently- after an antique road show poster find.  Re-branded in an era of climate catastrophes, encouraged by corporations constant craving for consumerism; Keep calm and carry on creates a compliant convenient creed. Stop complaining, and carry on the work of cavalrymen. 

The traditional sign for KCCO is under a crown.  Is it a  symbol of citizens best interest, or keeping the monarchy in power?  Either way let queen-y press an index finger onto your piqued lips to hush disquieted dissonance. Who are we carrying on for today?  “Calm down folks.” “Nothing to get upset about here kids.”  Don’t get angry at the status quo of classroom conformity, we need you to stay placid sunshiny and obedient so you can carry on the business model credo. 

I don’t know about ya’ all but when someone tells me to “calm down", I qualm up! Like someone making a sexist joke and then telling me to calm down, “it’s just a joke”.  Catch 22. If I get angry, I’m a hysterical woman and not taken seriously; laugh along and I’m a traitor to my own sense of humanity.  Catch 22.  Another war- themed phrase for another day.  Until then, seek truth, get angry, know thyself. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200723-how-anger-can-be-put-to-good-use But it comes with a caveat- a warning:

“ANYBODY can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power, that is not easy.” Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric.  https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-rhetoric/


“All you have to do is follow three simple rules. One, never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two, take it outside. Never start anything inside the (classroom) unless it's absolutely necessary. And three, be nice.”  “I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice.” Dalton, Roadhouse Rules. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098206/characters/nm0000664

Know Thyself.  Think for yourself. 
