Reasons why you feel tired all the time- and what to do about it.

When I research the word “tired” I get a litany of articles advising tired individuals to seek individual help.  Here are some examples of what you can do to commandeer sleepiness  and my personal commentary as to why you are tired and what you can do to commandeer sleepiness.  

12 reason you feel tired all the time and what to do about it:”

  1. Diet: Right, well Skipping meals is a reality of this system. I had a student once say “Ms. Newson we don’t have eating disorders anymore we just don’t have time to eat.”

  2. Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin D is produced by the sun, and we don’t let kids see the sun. Trapped in a box, cells and bells for 10 hours a day, is not a thriving environment for kids.

  3. Lack of sleep: No duh! But the lack of sleep is a direct product of institutions creating an environment of lack of sleep. Hurried, busy lives in the name of productivity leaves little time for rest.

  4. Being overweight: Right! Sit kids in desks for 8-10 hour a day can cause tiredness. And lack of activity causes some to be overweight. But then put it back on the individuals to ‘fix’ a problem that is systematic at its core.

  5. Sedentary lifestyle: see #4.

  6. Stress: Fight-or-flight response. Exactly! And what is the cause of an increase in cortisol and adrenaline surge preparing your body to deal with chronic stress? School! School is the cause of stress, and then we read articles about how YOU, individual students needs to manage the stress which is caused by school to begin with.

  7. Depression: Again, let’s leave it to kids to “talk to your doctor” or a “mental health counselor” or better yet, (for BM’s) prescribe medication for anti-depressants instead of looking at the root cause.

  8. Sleep disorders: I used to be an insomniac, until I left school.

  9. - 12: Serious biological issues creating tiredness. Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Diabetes, all contribute to lack of sleep. Way to get scientific and make it a personal endeavor to get rest.

My takeaway? Stop putting the responsibility of something as basic as sleep on the individual when it is the institutions themselves creating a chronic sleepiness. That is their purpose.  Sleepy people are easier to control. Opium wars. What can you, the individual do to commandeer sleepiness?  Do less. Do less, sleep more.