Levels of Development
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Learning: Recap.
Observation: One can not really feel safe unless the red, physiological needs are met; and one can not really establish intimate friends and relationships until basic needs are met and so on. The top is assumably the goal Ah, “Self Actualization.” Achieving one’s full potential including creative activities.
I.School critique: Maslow’s simple 5 tier design makes sense. Almost like common sense. It’s logical, colorful and easily digested. Basic needs lead to psychological needs and then and only then can you pursue higher, self-fulfillment. Here is my issue- the shape. Yes, the shape. I have seen this triangle for over 30 years in education. It has been upside down.
Basic, physiological needs like air, food and water, are at the least, most minimum of needs. If you do not have access to water and shelter, that is a problem. I’d say there is no advancement if one does not have water. Game over. The triangle leads my brain to believe water is the biggest achievement. The most work. In the red.
While smug purple sits at the top taunting me. If only you felt safe, have love and friendship, then you will have access to creativity. Wrong! Backwards. At the most minimum water and food and shelter- sure. But I thing it takes creativity to work these things out.
Smug purple’s “self-actualization” triangle comes to an end. Finite. When in actuality, once water and creative self-expression mix, it would look like an open angle. Infinite possibilities. Once basic and proficiency are met, the sky is the limit. Limitless possibilities.
It is simple geometry. Just a thought. And not just mine-