Professional Development I.School

It’s August. Time for back to school Professional Development.

Funny, when I used to sit in Professional Development days, I would imagine and dream about what I would be doing when I was not sitting in a professional development day. Now, post-teaching, I imagine and dream about what I would have done differently in professional development times. Therefore,

What I would do differently. By I.Newson,

In my school, I.School, here is how today would go:

10:30-11:00 am Staff Meeting. No food nor beverages will be provided, provided you take the morning to eat your favorite foods, exercise, organize, spend time with someone, if desired. At school, I would like to focus on school and learning. You know, kids. Period. Do what ever you need to do to come to the meeting relaxed and refreshed. Then and only then can we proceed.

During that 30 minutes, we would chat, and get all pertinent information addressed and then staff would chose between three Levels of development.

  1. New teachers will find guidance on the basics each school would need to know.

  2. Teacher’s Years 3 to Ancient, will have groups to facilitate conversations that will be helpful to kids and you. Trust that teachers will use the time to their advantage. Proficiency.

  3. Level III group would be the I.School teachers that are past the first three years of planning thus have time to talk philosophy. My group. Advanced. (Specifics later)

11:00-2:30 Time block is all yours. You know what you need to do.

2:30- 3:15 Take a break from school. Leave. Talk about other things. Do something else. Most teachers will be thinking about school outside of school, most days for the remaining school year. Get in the habit of exploring topics outside education. Develop a clean hobby.

Oh, la dee dah. Wouldn’t that be nice.

Never going to happen.

I used to fantasize about driving around the country in a van when I left education. I also created an imaginary “Philosophical Hot Dog Truck.”

The first one came true. I have spent the past two years traveling the country in a van, with a man. (not as creepy as it sounds). I did not pursue my PHdT, (philosophical hot dog truck) which is probably a good thing. On the plus side, it was educational (and a pleasant distraction from NAEP data points) for me thinking about what a certain philosopher might have as toppings, which led me to think deeper about each philosopher. (A Zen dog with everything; A Nietzsche dog with nothing; A Pavlov “I’ll have what she’s having” dog. The Ethics dog… Well, Ironically, learning certain philosophies created an aversion to hot dogs.

My point is that it is helpful to fantasize while in Professional Development. Prepare for your imaginary future. Plan your retirement. What will you be doing? Today ____, from now?

Funny, I also used to play the “I’d Rather…” game. You know, I’d rather be (sleeping, eating, anything else), instead of, sitting here, in another PD meeting. Now, post-teaching, I go through the day thinking, “at least I’m not at a ….PD meeting” and, I would rather be doing what I am doing right now. Hole heartedly and Appreciatively.

Good Morning!!! Enjoy your day! (or not)