March Madness
I.Newson senior project: Blue Print
Month/ theme: March Madness
Intro- personal dream. Open eyes, Maat, light, Eric, a door, night, students? waiting.
Lesson: What does it all mean?
Brainstorm Activity
Pick a topic, any topic, let us hop to March.
Write down as many associations to March as you can? 15 seconds and go:
I gave my answers in a video. How did we match? Now underline one item on the list. And repeat the same process. Go:
Then ask three questions: 1. What is its function? (just the facts- description). 2. What is it used for? (how many purposes can you think of?) 3. How does it relate to you? (what is your association with it? What do you automatically think of?)
Example: March, I picked. Hare. Madness. I’ll chose the rabbit, thank you, I’m Mad enough. Rabbit. 1. furry, soft, big eyes, multi colored, feet. 2. Used for fur, food, (sorry, it just hopped in my head), ah, hem. Cute lovable cartoon characters! 3. The White rabbit and the Mad Hatter From Alice in Wonderland. Queen of Hearts. Question? What ever happened to her?
Question: Justification (points) NAEP
Nations Report Card- 2026 Assessment Links. Feel free to read as much or none. I have read it, been analyzing it, and will give you summaries in up and yonder days. Not relevant enough to pay attention to now, I’d say.
Reflection Pool
What about you? What are you Marching for? Do you stand up or down? On what grounds? What do you love? Are there varying definitions and perspectives of: new year resolution, groundhog day, valentines day? March- ing band, music, drums, lines, LOUD discipline. a silent voice.
For the love of ______? After you answer, ask this, what are you doing today?
Final Word:
You. I am marching for you. Past current and future students. Mama Bear Hugs!