Mine The Gap

“Mine The Gap”


“The Children Yearn for the Mines” 

Mining Minors Minds since 1864

Dear Children, 

Let me explain these Gaps of achievement, we speak of.

“Achievement gaps occur when one group of students (e.g., students grouped by race/ethnicity, gender) outperforms another group and the difference in average scores for the two groups is statistically significant (i.e., larger than the margin of error). 

NCES explored the achievement gaps between Black and White, and Hispanic and White, students using NAEP data to illuminate patterns and changes in these gaps over time, and identify factors that might underlie such gaps. These results are expected to be helpful to those interested in the improvement of education of our children.” NAEP


the NAEP (and I)

Note:  “Mine the Gap” is mine. Sarcasm. My made up head-vention. Not to be confused with “Mind the Gap”, which is a warning for British passengers to take caution of a spacial gap from platform to train. Anyway, I like the metaphor. Take Caution of the Gap! Meme, not mine.

Question: if this gap has “illuminated” changes and patterns over time, why

In other Labor News:

States Loosening Child Labor Laws

Including serving alcohol. Closing the Gap on sobriety, I guess.

NAEP “doubles down” on Progress. Which doubles up your work load. 

Using pre and post pandemic test scores to increase: public school testing, hours required to graduate, length school years. 

From pre and post data that is written, collected, interpreted and disseminated by the same organization with financial incentives. 

Question: Who pays the salary of the 26 NAEP Board Members? (I actually can not find out).

Scores were already failing, according to FORBES.

Preparation for “Cradle to Career.” (Like I said… Cradle to grave).

In Arkansas News last week: (Kids clearly looking forward to Progress!!!)

During a ceremony in the second-floor rotunda at the State Capitol, the Republican governor described her education reform — a 145-page omnibus law that covered everything from school vouchers, to teachers raises and higher literacy standards for elementary students — as “a comprehensive approach to all education, from cradle to career.”  

NPR Making it “Easier to employ children.”

“In states across the country, lawmakers are engaged in a coordinated, corporate-backed campaign to weaken child labor protections One type of protection—minimum ages to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants—has been eroded in seven states since 2021. While lowering the age to serve alcohol may sound benign, it is not. It puts young people at risk of sexual harassment, underage drinking, and other harms.

The restaurant industry is already plagued by labor violations. In fact, it is the industry with the highest incidence of child labor law violations. Laws that lower the alcohol service age will subject more young people, at younger ages, to potentially dangerous working conditions at low wages—all in service of employers’ pursuit of cheap labor.


US News and Word Report

“States Are Loosening Restrictions on Child Labor “



New Jersey lawmakers bumped up the number of hours teens can work during the summer (to 40 hours a week for 14- and 15-year-olds and 50 for 16- and 17-year-olds.).

American Independent


The Guardian

Happy Labor Day!  2023