One Loser
Zero Sum Game: A situation, often cited in game theory, in which one person’s gain is equivalent to another’s loss. The Loser.
0 (zero) is a number representing an empty quantity.
Loser: a person (or thing) that loses or has lost something, especially a game or contest.
Zero (n.) Etymology Dictionary
"the absence of all quantity considered as quantity," c. 1600, from French zéro or directly from Italian zero, from Medieval Latin zephirum, from Arabic sifr "cipher," translation of Sanskrit sunya-m "empty place, desert, naught”
A brief history of the invention of "zero" can be found here. Meaning "worthless person" is recorded from 1813. As an adjective from 1810. Zero tolerance first recorded 1972, originally U.S. political language. Zero-sum in game theory is from 1944 (von Neumann), indicating that if one player wins X amount the other or others must lose X amount.
I am One Loser Teacher.
First self-realized on a weekend in February, 2019. While watching the “news.”
“Loser teachers” was all I heard. This was after a a particularly rough week teaching high school social studies. “Loser teacher. Loser teacher. Loser teacher.” Repeated in my head.
Yea, I pretty much lost it. Meaning- I was head in hands, ugly, convulsing- on my kitchen counter-crying. As one empathetic loser would, of course. And yes, I did hear colleagues voices in my head- “don’t listen, blah blah, why should you care…” Too late. I did listen. I do Care. So when I heard:
“I love seeing some young conservatives, cause I know it’s not easy.”
“Keep up that fight.”
“Bring it to your schools.”
“You don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you on socialism from birth.”
“You don’t have to do it.”
I deeply cared about this because I have had many young conservatives in classes that I very much respected; and many respected- even liked me. (I still get a personal hand written birthday card from one self-proclaimed extreme right former student. Witness).
Now, I don’t personally identify as conservative, or liberal. But just being a public school history teacher identifies me as a political Socialist Pedler of liberal ideas somehow.
News to me, but it hit me hard because I believe all kids have a right to learn. I really liked having strong conservative student views; mixed with other views, because it is learning. Real learning.
That was my job. I thought. Share ideas. Respect multiple points of views. Teach. Learn.
And so when, a prominent grown-up conservative representative tells kids, (my students) to fight me- “keep up that fight.” Game over. I became an enemy in 20 seconds..
Kids are smart. But, how can I compete against a privately educated, rich, charismatic politician?
How can I argue with “Loser Teacher”? I submit.
I AM!!! I am One Loser Teacher!
Honestly; and after further consideration, I wouldn’t wish to be a business/management Winner. Too much work. Too much political pressure persuading public personal (teachers) that they we are pathetic losers. That would be a tough job! Can you even imagine? I don’t envy them. In fact, I pity them. They will never know how amazing you learners all are. Students. Day after day, semester after semester, years. Decades.
Those policy makers of public education don’t get to see your faces every day. They don’t get to hear how funny, talented, courageous you all are.
Data oriented policy makers miss out. Big time!
I still hear from former students, see them, think of them. I even have school dreams, and my students are super- heroes in my actual dreams! And in real life.
Loser teachers, get to spend retirement humbled, grateful, to have had the opportunity to spend decades of time with kids. Time ‘lost’ well I’d say. The only real lost time was spending any time away from students for non-essential testing.
With that said, I.School continues.
Lesson: One Jar.
That jar we talked about? Imagine it full. Full of school and standards. Testing, expectations, politics, outside, extrinsic values. Your expected job, family, personality, looks, behavior. If you already know, then your jar/ cup (whatever) is full. No room for learning. You already (think) you know. Great, carry on.
I.School needs a little room to grow. An empty jar is preferable, because it means you are open to learn. Not that you are empty, just you don’t think you know everything quite yet. Empty. Receptive, to agree or disagree. With context, facts and knowledge. Genuine knowledge.
If your jar is full, time for inventory. Pick pieces one at a time and challenge it. You may be right, you may be wrong you may be crazy, but at least YOU understand why or why not. you are. Not just allowing externals shape your whole life- cradle to grave.
Homework: do you have homework yet? I imagine you do. Lots. How is that working for you? Do you like it? All of it or some? Any? Does it help you? Will it be helpful 5 years from now? Not just for a diploma, but for YOU. Do you like homework? Not? Some? None?
What are thoughts about homework for you?
Now what? If you could, how would you re-structure school?
Open or Closed to learning? How?
Conclusion: I like starting at zero. Infinite possibilities. Low expectations. I am, we are, enough as is. Zero. Infinite.
My HERO! Zero. Loser at Large.
Have a good week!