
History Compass: This era is a mere non-extended eyelash in history.  A blip in time. This too will soon pass.  My question is- what is my part? I am more dedicated to long standing principles than short term goals, overall. Corona? Pshaw. Minor distraction after a million years of fire starters. 

It’s an excellent time to shift!  After disasters like war, adverse natural events, and disease- there is confusion.  There is a tendency to panic and ‘takers’ may use this opportunity to further hurt the hurt. There are always the helpers too.  Fred Rogers said “always look for the helpers”. 

We can be god-awful as humans go, and we can also be magnificent! 

My part, as I have decided, is to navigate the awful and propagate the mag!  How?

How can I be more of a helper? Not a fixer, more like a light house.  Just waiting here in my tower, studying history and philosophy, waiting for the shipwrecked. (Ha- if you are not into metaphors you are really not going to get me.)

Anyway, I’m in it for the long haul.  Shot term goals are important, but only in the larger scheme, ya know? Then the day to day get easier. Set low-bar daily tasks; days filled with personal purpose that nurture a larger ideal.  Example: Mondays used to be a bummer! “I have a Case of the Monday’s” should not be a saying, but it is.  It’s not Monday’s fault there are disparaging coffee mugs wishing the day away, like the blunt “I Hate Monday’s”. (Hey, if Monday had a mug it might hate on us too.)

This is Monday January 10th 2022.  The only Monday, of this day, of this year, ever.  No pressure.  My middle-aged body still reacts to Monday mornings conditioned response of panic.  In sponce (?) or re-sponse to physiological upsets, I make an effort to make very little effort.  I.School Mellow Mondays. We will start the day, (ok I will start) with soft tunes, warm tea and do nothing else until ready.  Really ready.  

It may be my Monday morning voice, but I think I can hear chatter on the other side of this screen. A ‘but’- “it makes no sense” but “oh, easy for her to say, she is retired”, but  “I can’t, just, do, nothing”, but “it sounds lazy,” but “must. have. smart. goals….” and on. True or not, I hear that voice. Sound familiar?

Monday’s will pass like the plague. Can’t fix it. Hunker down and enjoy quiet mysteries of these unique times passing, as they will everlastingly.

Today’s Motto: “If you don’t know what to do, do nothing.” Ricky Ricardo. 

Have a Magnificently Mellow Monday , or not.